Tag Archives: denarii board game

Jesus had permanent God mode

14 Apr

Bible Adventures nintendo

Anyone remember playing this game?   I do!

I have vague memories of throwing animals, babies and  rocks, and addicting midi music.  Thanks to Elanarae for sharing his commentary on Bible Adventures via Youtube.

Enjoy the nostalgia everybody!

David & Goliath

Noah’s Ark

Baby Moses

I’m working on making my own religious themed game right now, but it’s still in the “pen on paper” stage. A type of Sim-church.

I’ve barely got any code written at all. But who knows, I may actually finish something.

Board Games

As a  kid, I also played the Pilgrim’s Progress board game:

Being a fan of fantasy books and movies, I really liked the Pilgrim’s Progress story.

Does anyone remember the movie Hoomania?  I thought it might have been a retelling of Pilgrim’s Progress, but apparently it followed the teachings of Proverbs. I wanted the game in that movie.


I also used to play a game called Denarii. I couldn’t find anything online about it.  It had Bible trivia so difficult that… well.. I doubt even Rod & Todd even knew most of the answers.

Anybody remember that Denarii game?  Or any other religious games?